Press Release: Video Album on Sacred Birth Anniversary of Baba Sri Chand Ji
Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission has released a Video Album on the Sacred Birth Anniversary of Baba Sri Chand Ji. This humble tribute to the Most Illustrious Son of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib has been made available for free to all the lovers of Baba Sri Chand Ji Maharaj around the world and may be watched and downloaded from the mission' own website, www.SikhVideos.org and its Youtube and Facebook pages.
Quoting the founder of the Mission, Brig. Partap Singh Jaspal (Retd.) from one of his touching tributes to Baba Sri Chand Ji, "He hailed the Glory of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib all over, wherever He went and He was hailed as the Great Son of the Great Guru Nanak Sahib all over. He blessed the masses enmasse with the Divine Name given by Sri Guru Nanak Sahib. Baba Sri Chand Ji Maharaj spent all his life in spreading the Divine Message of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib. Baba Sri Chand Ji Maharaj shines at the Pinnacle of all Spiritual Glory amongst the Yogis of the world. Holy, Baba Sri Chand Ji Maharaj is inseparable from the Divine Sri Guru Nanak Sahib and Sri Guru Nanak Sahib is inseparable from His Most Illustrious Son Baba Sri Chand Ji."
About Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission
Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission, founded in 1999 by Brig. Partap Singh Jaspal (Retd.), is at the forefront of promoting universality of Sikhism and its Divine Content, embracing the whole mankind as one global family of the sole beloved God. It reaches out to the world through the mediums of internet, TV channels, audio and video productions, and book publications. The mission seeks no publicity and serves the whole global community in the firm belief of oneness of godhood and oneness of the mankind. This mission is purely a labor of love of a family group and is based at 203, Sector 33-A, Chandigarh, phone: +91 172 2601440 and email: contact@sikhvideos.org